Dr. Charles Livingston Fat Loss Program

Tuesday 10 July 2012

pearly penile papules - Pearly penile papules hair removal guide

Pearly penile papules removal is something that many men are interested in. Here are some guidelines for getting rid of them.

Pearly penile papules removal is a concern for men who have the condition. This is not a sexually transmitted disease but a condition that results in rows of tiny bumps on the penis. These bumps usually occur at the tip and the tip of the penis. The scientific name for this condition is genital papillaris Hirsuties. Up to 25% of men aged 20 to 30 PPP workers although estimates vary between 8% and 48%. This is not a disease that requires treatment, but as a variant of the normal male anatomy. Some men are embarrassed over bumps, though, and in a way to dispose of their interest. Genital warts are a condition that resemble, but are completely different. Genital warts do not require treatment by a physician and be sexually transmitted, as opposed to the PPP. It is advisable to contact a specialist in dermatology, a correct diagnosis are reviewed. Here are some things to think about the distance:

- Treatments that do not work: home remedies are not effective for the removal of pearly penile papules. Concoctions such as vitamins, toothpaste, oatmeal and honey have been tried without success. Some may think men masturbate to get rid of too much or too little of PPP, but they are wrong. Masturbation has nothing to do with this skin disease. Some doctors recommend the freezing of papules, but the success of this method is uncertain.

- CO2 Laser Hair Removal: This technique uses a laser suitable for this sensitive region. A carbon dioxide laser to get rid of the problem, but not other tissues. This procedure is performed by a board certified dermatologist and is considered an outpatient. Medicines for pain and numbness bring relief, but expect some swelling and discomfort.
- Surgery: surgical excision of the lesion is another option. Local anesthesia is given to man without pain stopped during the procedure. After the operation, it will be, swelling, pain and scarring.

- Electrode siccation curettage: This is a process of HF, the scraping of the lesions is. After grinding is completed, there will be some bleeding is likely to be connected. A cautery tool is used to stop the flow of blood. This technique is painful and leads to scarring, although analgesia.

- The aesthetic choice: Get rid of pearly penile papule lesions is a personal decision and for aesthetic reasons. Although there is no medical reason to remove them, people can choose to undergo treatment for the sake of appearance. The decision of cosmetic surgery is not a frivolous thing. If a person is embarrassed or ashamed of her body, she has a profound effect on behavior. Social withdrawal and low self-image can lead to depression and lack of well-being.

Pearly penile papules removal can be done safely and efficiently. If a man of unusual bumps on his computer tech article genitals, it is always a good idea to check, have the situation with a doctor. They are calm their minds and let them know what options for treatment.


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